Church Stile, Exminster, Exeter EX6 8DF

Exminster Pharmacy Services

Flu Vaccination

Getting the flu vaccination is a good idea. Maybe you are worried about catching the flu or you are concerned about having time off work. Book your vaccination today!

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Stop Smoking Treatment

Our team can advise you on the best way to kick your smoking habit. By coming in to our store our trained pharmacist will provide you with a free consultation.

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Emergency Hormonal Contraception

No appointments needed, easily accessible location and just a quick consultation, we ensure a hassle free service to all our patients.

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UTI Treatment

UTI’s are an infection of the urinary tract or bladder causing pain and inflammation. It is also commonly known as a water infection, bladder infection or Cystitis.

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Conjunctivitis Treatment

Conjunctivitis (eye infection) is a common condition that causes redness and inflammation of the thin layer of tissue that covers the front of the eye.

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Impetigo Treatment

Impetigo is a common and highly contagious skin infection that causes sores and blisters. It’s not usually serious and often improves within a week of treatment.

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Pharmacy First

Pharmacy First introduces a groundbreaking healthcare service that grants you instant access to crucial clinical treatments, eliminating the requirement for a GP appointment.

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